Yorkshire Terrier puppy dog in your pocket shirt - New Collection
Man clings as a result of the being whom he loves. But is it what we love, or how we love, / You may't blame gravity for falling in love. Nothing really precious arises from ambition or from a mere sense of obligation; it stems fairly from love and devotion towards men and in direction of objective issues. It is its very soul, with out which it's useless. I was not, I lived and loved, I'm not. I imagine that we don't need to worry about what occurs after this life, as long as we do our responsibility right here—to love and to serve. It is available solely in one rare kind: because the pure response of a healthy thoughts and healthy heart. You possibly can't be clever and in love at the identical time. Yorkshire Terrier puppy dog in your pocket. Love is all there may be, it makes the world go spherical. It's possible you'll think that's plenty of lollipop but simply strive it. Love is probably the most practical thing on the planet. Joy rul'd the day, and Love the night.

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