Teacher shark doo doo doo doo your homework shirt - New Design
Be in love with, be infatuated with, be smitten with, be besotted with, be passionate about. ‘I've hinted that it is a unhealthy factor however she says that she loves him.' ‘But after this, I will do whatever I've to do to maintain him because he's proven he loves me. Your daughter may already know that this man is benefiting from her but, as she loves him, she may be unable to resist his attraction.' ‘She's rung me and told me she loves him, he loves her and so they want to be together however I am unable to settle for that.' ‘After all he loves you, and he at all times will. Teacher shark doo doo doo doo your homework. The sense of disappointment left me empty inside, obviously no one loves me.' ‘Perhaps then, and solely then, might I really be beloved in return?' ‘That is why if I might have one wish, it would be so that you can never cease loving me.'

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