I'll bleed red white and blue til I die shirt - New Design
Jealousy is a illness, love is a wholesome condition. Dorothy: If, neither of us had recollections, and we met, so, then would you and I fall in love as well? All of the fearful counterfeits of love possessiveness, lust, self-importance, jealousy are nearer to hate: they think about the object, guard it, suck it dry. Love makes every thing pretty; hate concentrates itself on the item of its hatred. Love is the capacity to take care, to protect, to nourish. Your old flame is not your past love, and it isn't your final. Nestor Alexander Haddaway , What Is Love, written by Dieter Lünstedt and Karin Hartmann-Eisenblätter, The Album, Germany: Coconut Information. It may be important to great thinkers to look at the world, to elucidate and despise it. I'll bleed red white and blue til I die. However I feel it's only essential to like the world, not to despise it, not for us to hate each other, however to have the ability to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration and respect. And the word of Love is the Phrase of Life.

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