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November 23-25, 1863 - The Rebel siege of Chattanooga ends as Union forces underneath Grant defeat the siege military of Gen. William S. Rosecrans ' Union Military of the Cumberland trapped in Chattanooga, Tennessee under Confederate siege. The warfare to protect the Union now turns into a revolutionary struggle for the abolition of slavery. The Union Military, 90,000 robust, below the command of McClellan, pursues Lee. Lee then renames his power the Military of Northern Virginia. One warfare at a time, Lincoln remarks. President Lincoln realizes the warfare shall be lengthy. I can not raise my hand towards my birthplace, my home, my kids. Don't mess with auntasauras you'll get jurassicicked floral. Lee then goes to Richmond, Virginia, is obtainable command of the navy and naval forces of Virginia, and accepts. At some stage in the struggle the blockade limits the power of the agricultural South to stay well supplied in its struggle towards the industrialized North.

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