Christmas begins with Christ Mickey Mouse shirt - New Design
A sense of strong or constant affection for an individual. These instance sentences are selected automatically from varied online information sources to mirror current utilization of the phrase 'love.' Views expressed in the examples do not characterize the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. He swore that he loved her madly. You have to love in order to be loved. Christmas begins with Christ Mickey Mouse. Paul Auster, Granta, Winter 1994 Lying awake, listening to the sound of his father's respiration, he knew there was no one on the earth he liked so much. Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, 1876 Allworthy thus answered: I've at all times thought love the one basis of happiness in a married state, as it may possibly only produce that high and tender friendship which should at all times be the cement of this union. Henry Fielding, Tom Jones, 1749 Youngsters want unconditional love from their dad and mom.

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